Friday, September 23, 2016

Night time

Everywhere around us is done harvest or close to wrapping up. It also is one if the most active times for coyotes. 
After losing our prize lamb last year, we have been diligent in our efforts of predator control. 
Our two maremmas are still young at only a year old but have earned their places this fall.
Tonight (from what we saw) they fended off 4 coyotes in the sheep pen long enough that I could get out there. Between the goats and the dogs and my ewes willingness to follow their call, we got everything moved into the barn.

Except the rams (who are in with a nasty horse and 2 donkeys).... Hopefully they make tonight. 

I sometimes wonder if I picked the wrong thing to raise here. I could of got a couple heifers or larger sheep (I am not sure if it would of made a difference). 

Hopefully now that everything is locked up I can fall asleep to the howl of the coyotes and the barking of my big white dogs.

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