Sunday, October 30, 2016

Life and Death

Our girls, especially our oldest girls, spend quite a but of time outside doing chores and caring for our animals. One of our girls loves the goats and she has an elderly goat that she has cared for the last year. Last night her goat couldn't get up so we moved her to the barn out of the wind. This evening she had a stroke and our oldest said it was time to euthanize Nancy. 

Watching her care for her and say goodbye is tough to watch and it's amazing to see the maturity she has gained over the last couple years. I don't know how else this type of growth could be replicated (not the right word...). 

I am grateful for the lessons we learn and the character we gain. I am grateful for the good and the bad. Birth, life and death seem to be the constants in our changing world.

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