Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Out to Greener Pastures

Part of our journey into sheep has been fencing. In fact, it's been a huge part of the process! We have three small pens (probably about 2- 1 acre pastures and then a coral at our barn) that we put in the first couple of years. As we have grown we have NEEDED to figure out how to accommodate the growing flock and the dynamics of keeping ewes and rams separated.
The initial cost for wire fencing was $300.00. This year we committed ourselves to sheep fencing around another 4 acre parcel- the cost $700.00. On top of this we had to purchase an electric fence (well truth be told my parents purchased it and we are "borrowing" it) and that was another $300.00.
This will not be the end of fencing. We have only begun.

We are not technically a farm. There are no write-offs. If someone were to look at our sheep "books" they would think we were on a 1 track route to coo-coo- town. We are.

We wanted to have and raise sheep. We wanted a heritage breed that were easy to handle and had great mothering instincts. We were committed to this for the long haul. (and it will take a long haul to break even).

Things to think about...

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