Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sorrows of a Shepherd- Enucleation

"A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way."
Mark Twain 
I love having an assortment of creatures on our acreage. 
I love watching them.
I find great amusement in all of them.
I enjoy caring for them.
Inevitably something happens that requires additional care.
I love to learn new things.
I find satisfaction in nursing these guys back to health.
I don't love carrying a cat by the tail 
(So to speak)
Not too long ago-
One of my ewes was "off"
We went out and she had some fox tail in her eye.
She gets really wooly eyes and so she does get grass etc caught in them from time to time.
I cleaned it out.
Long story short.
My efforts were not good enough.
By the time I called the vet my poor sheeps eye could not be saved.
I know she will be fine.
I know most farmers shoot a sheep in the same predicament.
I also know that this is on me.
I have carried my cat- I hope that I don't have to write another post about a sheep and fox tail and a tardy vet call....

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